Ordinary Miracles
Photo Courtesy: http://mikemesserli.blogspot.com/2011/12/sunrise.html I hear the hurting ones calling out for proof of God. The sceptics demand that what is not perceived cannot be. Those in denial cite worldly evils as evidence of God's absence. Some would rather have Him not exist than be so cruel. Those are the only two options after all... Right? To all doubters All who are on the fence All who think God is anything other than Love Incarnate I say this: Do you believe in the wind? Of course you do. The weatherman confirms its existence daily. Can you see the wind? Can you hold it? Can it talk to you face to face? No? But you believe. Why? How do you know for a fact that it exists? Because of the effect that it has on whatever it touches. Are we still together? Trees sway Hair is swept about Clothes blown around Windmills can spin a thousand revolutions an hour. Our skin feels it We shield our eyes from it Th...