A Cure For Writer's Block

Some say it's a myth, that it's all in our heads. Others swear that its dark forces are undoubtedly real. And some even confess that it's really just an excuse they made up in order to slack off. 

Writer's Block. The mysterious condition which occasionally befalls those who live by the pen/keyboard, where, try as they might, they cannot get a single word down. Plots escape them, characters refuse to reveal their nature to them, endings show no sign of happening, and a cold-sweated fear grips the afflicted writer... some have even been known to crave cookies when it gets really bad.

But wait! There's hope! Fortunately, I have discovered a home remedy for this condition:

Write! Something!
By Ekari Mbvundula

Forget the excuses
You know they're all useless
Stop over thinking
Stop over researching
Stop analysing in your mind's eye the story that does not yet exist.
Stop thinking about not having the time
Just write.
Don’t ask "will it be good" or "will they like it"
 Just write.
Don’t compare your work the past great weavers of the written word
Just write.
Trust that the words you put down will stand in their own right
Accept that draft #1 will not be even close to perfect
Great works are merely great edits.
How can you edit what you have not written?
Write, right now.
Write now.

 "And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise.  The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."  
~Sylvia Plath


Happy New Year!


  1. So true!!! I've been struggling with writer's block for a few weeks, and this article has just given me renewed hope. I read somewhere that writing at least 500 words daily first thing in the morning is a good way of overcoming it.

  2. Glad it helped! I also read something along those lines - the basic message is that routine is your friend. Writing is not always going to be easy, but you will always have something to work with if you make it as essential as brushing teeth. (when you manage to do that, tell me how you did it :-P )


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